Arizona Birth Injury
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Imagine this: Your wife is admitted into the hospital as it is almost time to meet your newborn baby. You both have been anxiously awaiting his/her arrival and you are filled with joy, excitement, and even a little bit of nervousness. After the birthing process is complete, you realize your little one is unable to move in the proper manner as you expected, and it turns out, they have been diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy. Unfamiliar with what that is, you learn that your child is unable to move their arms, and it could ultimately affect their overall life later on down the road.
But what could have brought this injury on as your baby was healthy all throughout the pregnancy? Perhaps a mistake was made on the doctor’s part that ultimately led to your child suffering from this condition. While this is a hypothetical scenario, unfortunately, many newborns and families struggle with the ramifications caused by a physician’s inattentive care provided during the birthing process.
If your newborn has suffered from any impairments, injuries, or conditions after childbirth, speaking with a licensed professional at an Arizona birth injury law firm can help you receive the required care you need.
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